6th-8th Grade New Student/Parent Information Night at Sunny Brae Middle School - Wednesday, January 15, 6:00-7:00 pm!

With an average class size under 25 students, SBMS offers 6th-8th graders rotating classes with robust electives, including Spanish Language Instruction/Immersion, music & theater, and sports! Come learn more about what this awesome middle school has to offer! Middle schoolers interested in attending are welcome to accompany their parents!

InterDistrict Transfers allow students to attend a school outside their district of residence. Forms will be available! Deadline: February 1!

SBMS New Student/Parent Information Night: Wednesday, January 15, 6:00-7:00 pm

Call the SBMS Office for more information about New Student/Parent Night: (707) 822-5988

Visit the SBMS website and Facebook page for more information about the school:

SBMS website

SBMS Facebook page